This cute balance bike will be a great gift for toddlers from 1-2 years old. This baby balance bike is built with 4 wheels and sturdy steel frame, which ensures stable riding and high weight capacity. And the wheels are made of PP and EVA materials, which makes the wheels wear resistant and noiseless for indoor and outdoor use. Considering safety, the bike is designed with 135° limited steering to protect the bike from rolling over, particularly in turning. Also, the handle is equipped with non-slip textures and the soft seat is comfortable for long time sitting. With instructions and accessories, the assembly is easy and quick. 135° Limited Steering: The 135° limit steering design helps to avoid side falling down when taking a sharp turn, thus proving your kids a safe riding experience. Besides, this no-pedal baby bike has a non-slip and comfortable TPR handle, which can help your children control the direction better. Widened Silent Wheels: Made of wear-resistant and anti-slip PP and EVA material, the 4 heavy duty widened wheels ensure a smooth and secure riding experience. Moreover, the wheels are noiseless and have no damage to the floor, making the infant bike suitable for lawns, carpets, asphalt roads, hard floors, etc. Comfortable Seat and Stable Structure: The high-density sponge padded seat cushion with smooth leather surface provides a cozy sitting position for your baby. Because of the sturdy steel tube frame, this ride-on bike has excellent stability and load bearing capacity. Perfect First Bike for Baby: This 4-wheel balance bicycle is suitable for 1-2 year old babies with a height range of 50-100cm. It’s an ideal first bike gift for toddlers who are learning to walk or develop balance and they will have a lot of fun and build confidence when using their legs to go forward or back forward. Lightweight Design and Easy Assembly: This toddler walking training bike is light enough that your children are able to carry around without adult’s help. In addition, with detailed instruction and complete accessories, you are allowed to put together in a short time.